Reagan Turns 13!




Thank you so much for allowing your daughters to join us as we celebrate Reagan’s 13th BDay! Reagan’s actual birthday is May 4th and so we are celebrating a few days early!

Below are the details for the getaway! As things continue to develop or if anything changes, I will either text it to you or update it here, so please keep this link!

Trip Details

Friday, April 29th – Sunday, May 1st

* Friday, 29th – Depart Atlanta

Currently the plan is that I will leave around 12pm on Friday so that I can get to the house in advance.  Lee will then transport all the girls to Savannah. We would like to leave Atlanta by 4pm. We will find a meeting spot for everyone. Stay tuned.

Friday night plans: The girls will arrive to the Airbnb and will spend that evening doing what girls do…laughing, talking and eating!

* Saturday, 30th – Beach and Dinner

Saturday Plans:

– Reagan wants a beach day so the girls will spend most of the day at the beach.

– We will also go out to dinner on Saturday. Please send your daughter with at least $30 for dinner. Also, Reagan would like to make this a picture moment, so she would like all the girls to wear a Pastel Sundress – The style is completely up to your daughter! The preference is just a dress and that it is pastel

* Sunday, 1st – Bumper cars (or Arcade) and Shopping

Sunday Plans:

– Our plan will be to check out around 11am and head to either Bumper cars or an Arcade. I am also looking for a few more alternatives in case they want to do something else. We will also make our way to the mall.

– Please send your daughter with spending money based on the budget you would like to allocate for her shopping pleasure!

– We will leave Savannah around 5pm which gives us a late arrival back to Atlanta. Our goal will be to return to the meeting location for pick-up.


Additional Notes:

– We will provide all the meals for the girls during our trip, except for the Saturday dinner.

– If there are any allergies that I need to be aware of, please advise.

-I am creating her birthday wish list and will send that soon.


That’s it for now! If you have any questions for me don’t hesitate to reach out!